Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This month, Brendan is celebrating Mo-vember. Mo-vember is a charity movement that is done worldwide where men get pledges of monetary support for a month of mustache growing. These endeavors raise funds and awareness for men's health. While the concept is a bit silly, it is a great way to target male involvement using a jocular means to a very worthwhile end. Brendan is taking a slightly different angle and is raising money to support Dream Worker, a really fantastic local NGO that provides work opportunities for the unemployed. They also have a great program called Links of Love, where you can sponsor an unemployed person's day of work for R100 (approx $14) and this person will be sent out into the community to care for the elderly, tend a township garden, or assist people living with HIV/AIDS. Check them out here.

If you would like to make a pledge of support for Brendan and his future mustache send me a message. I will post updates on his progress throughout the month, but seeing as how yesterday was the first of the month I figured we needed to start with a "before" picture.

(hello, hot stuff)

I am hoping that by the time the month is over he can achieve something akin to Tom Selleck in Magnum PI...
Now that is hot (and the resemblance is uncanny)!

Don't you agree?


  1. Well, with almost 30 years of experience with mustaches, my first piece of advice is just get through that awkward first couple of weeks. I actually think that the best way to get a good "stach" going is to let the whole beard grow first for about 2 weeeks, then shave all of it off but the mustache. Growing JUST a mustache makes you look like you forgot to wash around your face! Also, use the "dimple lines" to set your outline shape. Good luck!

  2. Icebox - I participated in Mo-vember with a group of friends a couple of years ago - it was a great experience. If I can dig up any pictures of my creep-tastic 'stache I will send them your way to inspire B-Man.

    On an unrelated note, the shoulder is doing OK - making slow but steady progress. Thanks so much for your voicemail last week! XO.
